We've put distance between mothers and babies
After birth, in many of the more natural, nonindustrial parts of the world, most babies are held against their mothers all day long by cloth carriers ( American Girl Starry Doll Holder ) of one kind or another.
Our society has thought up a dozen ingenious ways to put distance between mothers and their babies. It invented anesthetized childbirth, so a mother misses the dramatic evidence of having carried and borne her baby herself.
Don't worry if, for any reason, you didn't have this earliest contact with your baby. This attachment and bonding process will happen as soon as physical contact with the baby begins.
Natural childbirth and rooming-in should be available for all who want them. Mothers and fathers should have their baby to hold and fondle for an hour after the baby is born, especially if the rooming in is not available.
Breast feeding should be encouraged, especially by nurses and doctors, and relatives.
Bottle proping should be avoided - except when there's no choice, as when a mother of twins has no help and has no prop for one baby, at least, at each feeding.