Cold viruses and the germs that make complications

Your child will probably be sick with colds ten times as much as wit all other illnesses combined. Most colds are started by a "filtrable virus". This is a germ so small that it can pass through unglazed porcelain, so small that it cannot be seen through an ordinary microscope. It is believed that the virus can cause only amild cold with a clear nasal dischharge and perhaps a light scratchy feeling in the throat. If nothing else happens, the virus cold goes away in about 3-10 days. But something else often does happen. The cold virus lowers the resistance of the nose and throat, so that oter germs that cause more trouble get going, bacteria that can be seen under the microscope, such as the streptococcus, te pneumococcus,and the hemophilus influenzae. In these circumstances they are called secondary invaders. These regular bacteria are often living in healthy people's noses and throats during the winter and spring months, but do not harm because tey are held at bay by the body's resistance.
The best thing you can do to avoid a cold is to avoid close physical contact with anyone who has one.
Colds in the infant
Anne Geddes |
If your baby has a cold during his first year, the chances are that it will be mild. He may sneeze in the beginning; his nose will be runny or bubbly or stuffy. He may cough a little. He is not likely to have any fever. When his nose is bubbly, tou wish you could blow it for him. On the other hand, if his nose is obstructed with thick mucus, it may make him frantic. He keeps trying to close his mouth and is angry when he can't breath. Extra moisture in the room sometimes helps prevent stufiness. If the obstruction is severe, the doctor may prescribe nose drops for use just before nursing, or medication by mouth. Usually the cold is gone in a week.
Of course, babies' colds can become severe. They can have ear infections, sinusitis, and other complications. If they have a frequent cough or a deep cough or a wheezy cough, they should be examined by a doctor, even if they have no fever.
Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care -Beanjamin Spock and Michael Rothenberg