The age of 6, the tween age

Here are my promises, and don't forget I always keep them:
- I'll be there for you, no matter what
- I'll teach you things no matter how much you'll go against it
- I'll love you as much as I love your lovely sister
- I'll forgive you everytime you do something wrong, because you're part of me and this won't change
- I'll give you credit even if the other's don't, because I know you better
- I'll be your best friend whenever you need to
- I'll find solutions to your problems
- I'll keep the secrets you have
- Let me be part of your life, cause I want all the best for you
- Love your sister, cause she'll be your best friend when you grow up
- Respect people, be empathic, cheerful, positive, devoted to all good things, people and moments
- Be proud of yourself, say "hello", "thank you", "you're welcome"
- Always trust your parents, even if you think they are so intolerant sometimes
- Don't trust strangers
- Always tell me about your problems, and don't be afraid to do it
- Keep your promises no matter what,or,if you think you can't, don't promise things
- Make me proud of you for all these, and I'll make you prod of me