There are some things each woman takes into consideration at childbirth, and their decision depends on many factors like pain, risks for both baby and mother, and even the recovery.
There are also specialists who make studies and it is good to read more and get informed about this important aspect of a childbirth.
A Calgary anesthetist launched a
study in an attempt to determine
what kind of pain relief during childbirth
is best for mothers and babies and to examine what are the effects of epidural and intravenous
narcotic pain relief on
mothers, babies and the progression
of labour.

There is a link between epidural analgesia and cesarean section, as some studies showed it. Dr. Terrance Breen, director of obstetric anesthesia at the Foothills General Hospital in Calgary afirmed the following: “Clearly they
provide the best form of pain relief,
but if they cause a problem we need
to form a strategy and solve it. If not,
we need to lay this issue off to the side
and go on to find the real problem.”
Specialists agree that cesareans should be planned only when there's a solid medical reason for avoiding a vaginal delivery.Here are some common reasons:
- You have placenta previa.
- The baby is in a breech or transverse position.
- The baby is predicted to be too large to pass through your pelvis.
- You have an active genital herpes infection.
- You have previously had a cesarean section.
We know there are risks everywhere in medicine and surgery, even in vaginal birth, but mothers should know what complications may occur during C-section:
- infections (particularly of the uterus, the nearby pelvic organs, and the incision)
- excessive blood loss
- complications from the anesthesia
- blood clots due to decreased mobility after surgery
- bowel and bladder injuries
Source: http://www.cmaj.ca/