Not all the children are the same

Behavior problems

It is good to know the way your child's behavior could change during his growth, in order to appreciate what is normal and when is the case to worry about. Many types of behavior could be questionable, and your level of tolerance may vary - depending more on your state of mind than the child's behavior itself. I have two girls, one of  2 years old and one of 6 years old, and I know how difficult it is to manage this situation. And I've learned that most of time it's up to us to manage the types of behavior, and tolerate it or not when it is the case. 

Not all the children are the same

First of all, you should know that not all the children are the same and each of them has a different way of development. Your child could be different in comparison with the children of his age, but his normality depends on the expectations of the people around him. So, don't worry if your child is interested more in sports than in lessons, for example; he could be considered a hero in his community (sports, arts, etc), even if he doesn't get good appreciation from school. It's your child and you should be his support anyway. If he is not tolerated because he is different, than the answer should be the change of environment. 

Differences between cultures

The normality may vary from a child to another and from a family or culture to another. Today is so difficult to face this kind of problems, because a minority is strangely seen by the others. For example, in some cultures and families, the normal behavior of a boy could not be acceptable in a g irl.

The normal stages of development

Since early ages, you should pay attention to your child's behavior (physical and psychological). For example, when they first learn to walk, you should pay attention to any problems that seem strange to you. And if you observe something abnormal, than ask for medical advice; or, when they first learn speaking, and you consider something is wrong, also ask for special advice. When it is the case of older children over, 2 or 3 years, at kindergarden or school, ask for the advice of a teacher or doctor or other professional person within the institution. It is very important to know that, usually, children  with development problems have behavior problems, too. 

What you should observe to a normal social development
  • at any age - any regression of cleverness or language
  • until 12 months - the lack of attempt of verbal or gesture communication (for example, to finger)
  • until 18 months - the absence of speaking simple words,
  • until  24 months - the absence of spontaneous pronunciation (not immitation) of two grouped words
Real indications to ask for professional advice
  • from the age of 2,3 years - problems of communication (verbal or non-verbal), like the lack of  smiling or social reactions
  • low social abilities, like the lack of sharing happiness
  • low playing imagination
  • lack of interest in the people around them (living in an imaginary world)
  • the lack or  insufficient visual contact
  • extreme emotional reactions and agresivity towards the others
  • rigid or difficult adaptation to changings
  • high or low sensitivity to stimuli ( for example, to light, sounds, taste, touch)
  • unsusual behavior like hand waving

Source: Dr. Dinah Jayson