I miss us, my first child

Yesterday you were just a little baby, now you are a big girl, and I just want to make the time stop, to enjoy more time in your childhood, your smiling face, your child voice, your lovely way of being, acting...
I feel guilty that our time together must be shared with your sister. I miss our moments together, my first child, I miss our happiness, our relaxing time spent outside till late hours in the summertime, our hugs in the evening, when falling asleep in my arms, and there are much more...It seems like yesterday you were as little as your sister, and I remember so clearly every moment, every thing you've learned, every step you've done, every word you've said for the first time. Our happiness was special, but now is complete. Sometimes you feel it's unfair to share everything with your sister, but I know now you have a special bond with her. Mommy, you are my rainbow!
My first child, your words are so soft, and touch my soul everytime you tell your mommy how much you love her, how beautiful she is to you, how happy you are for having a sister. Your misbehavior is faded away when you tell me "Mommy, you are my rainbow, my velvet love!".

Moms are so easy to be emotionally manipulated, so, every word of their children is melting their hearts, and all the troubles are gone.