The involvement of fathers

Fathers and their role

A man reacts to his wife's pregnancy with various feelings: protectiveness of the wife, increased pride in the marriage, pride about his virility, anticipatory enjoyment of the child. But there can also be a feeling of being left out, which can be expressed as grumpiness toward his wife, wanting to spend more evenings with his men friends, or flirtatiousness with other women. But, there's much less chance of a man feeling this way if he's been able to actively participate in his wife's labor and delivery.

Anne Geddes

A father can be an integral and essential part of the pregnancy and labor

He may go to prenatal doctor visits and attend childbirth classes with his wife. He may be an active participant in the labor, watch over the baby while the mother is being cared for in the delivery room. He no longer has to be lonely, disgruntled onlooker.

Text source: Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care -Beanjamin Spock and Michael Rothenberg