Slow developers
Every baby's development is different from every other's and is a complex mixture of patterns. These are determined mainly by inheritance - normal inheritance, not faulty inheritance. Early or late walking, teething, talking, tallness or shortness, tend to run in families. But all these characteristics vary in the same family, because each family's inheritance is a great mixture.
Usually, slow development has nothing to do with inadequate care or inherited defects or the sins of the parents (real or imaginary).
Motor development covers such skills as holding the head erect, sitting, crawling, standing, walking. We have average statistics for each of these, but the variations are great among babies who are entirely healthy and normal. There are a few diseases that interfere with motor development, but these can usually be diagnosed by a doctor.
Development of intelligence

Intelligence, in contrast to motor development, has a lot more to do with environment than with inheritance. Babies born to parents with low intelligence but adopted into average or bright families tend to develop an intelligence like that of their adoptive parents.

Babies who are slow in development certainly need to be checked regularly by their doctor to be sure that there is no disease or condition that needs correcting.