Jealousy can be helpful as well as hurtful
If it is intense, it may sour his outlook on life for quite a while. But jealousy is one of the facts of life and can't be completely prevented, so parents shouldn't expect to accomplish the impossible. However, they can do a great deal to minimize it and to help the child convert it into other feelings that are painless and constructive. If he comes to realize that there is no reason to be so fearful of a rival, it strengthens his character so that he will be better able to cope with rivalry situations later in life, at work, and at home.
Preparing the way for the baby
It is good for a child to know ahead of time that he is going to have a baby brother or sister,if he is old enough to understand such an idea at all, so that he can get used to the idea gradually. Don't promise him it's going to be a girl or a boy; a child takes a promise like that seriously. Educators aadvice that the child should know that the baby is growing inside his mother and should feel it move. It's hard to explain much to a child under 2.
How a child gets along while his mother is in the hospital makes a big difference in his feelings toward her and the baby when they come home. Most important is who takes care of him.
When the mother brings the baby home
- It's usually a hectic moment when the mother comes back from the hospital. She is tired and preoccupied. The father scurries about, being helpful. If the older child is there, he stands around feeling troubled and left out. So this is the new baby!
- If it's likely to happen this way, it may be better for the child to be away on an excursion if this can be arranged. Later, his mother can hug him and talk to him and give her undivided attention. Let him bring up the subject of the baby when he is ready to.
- It's tactful to play down the new baby in the early weeks. Treat her casually. Don't act too excited about her. Don't gloat over her. Don't talk a lot about her. As far as is convenient, take care of her while the older one is not around. Many young children feel the greatest jealousy when they see the mother feeding the baby especially at the breast.
- Other people play a part in jealousy, too. When the father comes home from work, he should supress the impulse to ask the child, "How's the baby today?". Better to act as if he has forgotten there is a baby, sit down, and pass the time of day.
Helping the child to feel more grown up at this time

Turning rivalry into helpfulness
The parents can suggest the older baby how he can help them at times when it wouldn't occur to him, and show their real appreciation of his efforts.
In such ways the parents can help a child to actually transform resentful feelings into cooperativeness and genuine altruism.