The age of kindergarten

The bond between moms and children

It is clearly known that children have a strong attachement to their mothers, as they are the first who hold them in their arms, who feed them, who offer them all the comfort when in pain, or give them the feeling of safety whenever they need. The bond is so strong that is almost impossible for the children to get apart from their mothers, and, implicitly, for their mothers to detach themselves from their children. When it's time to start going to kindergarten, there are difficult moments for both of them.
The separation is like a fresh shower, as they have to start a new routine. And the concerns are bigger, especially for mothers (I remember the first day of kindergarten of my first little girl, which was a torture for both of  us, as my little girl cried all the time, and I started moving the furniture in the house, to replace her absence :)). But things go easy after a time, even if mothers have new concerns regarding illness or any social problems of their child in colectivity.
 Anyway, there are also good things to happen. The age of kindergarten is interesting, as children go more independent, less self-centered and more interested in children of the same age and the activities outside their home. They are in a countinuous need to discover new things, and this is why they will pelt you non-stop with questions, involuntary. This is normal,too.

The age of inflexibility
As they grow older, they understand better the meaning of the causes and consequences, or the concepts of justice, good or bad. They will expect that you keep your promises no matter what. They will be preoccupied with all the promisses that you should keep, and for this reason, if you can not keep a promise, they will always be right. 

You have to set some important rules and do not deviate from them, if you want your children to have strong principles even from the early ages. Just be patient! I know it seems a little bit hard to accept their tempers, but, after a while, be sure that they will become more flexible and more empathic. Just be proud and trusting that, at some point, they will follow all the ideas you inoculate them with.