It's very important to feed our babies in a healthy way, predominantly in the first years of their life. For a good development, babies need plenty of energy and nutrients. Even though their interest in food is different from day to day, and their appetite and hunger can be unpredictable, we should try to give them the necessary vitamins and proteins for a healthy childhood.
For more information about eating tips, go here:
Here are some ideas for healthy food:
Tasty Vegetables in dry cooker
2 onions
2 or 3 carrots, peeled, washed and chopped into chunks
4 or 5 potatoes (or sweet potatoes), chopped
2 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves
2 potatoes, chopped
100-200gr of rucola, washed
Put all the vegetables into the dry cooker (you can cut them into small or big pieces, as you wish), then add some flavours like salt, pepper, oregano, ginger (if your baby likes flavours, too). Then add the chicken soup before placing on the heat; and, finally, put on the cap piece, and keep the vegetables on the simmer for about half an hour. At the end, add 100-200 gr of rucola for a better taste. If your babies like to blend the mixture of vegetables, it's ok. They'd love the taste anyway!
2 or 3 carrots, washed and cut in round balls
200 gr trout
100 gr broccoli, washed
100 gr cauliflower, washed and chopped
1-2 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil (at the end, on the boiled vegetables)
1 or 2 slices of lemon
Boil the vegetables for about 10-15 minutes (or you could cook them in a bowl with a little bit of olive oil for a better taste); in the meantime, bake the fish for about 15-20 minutes, after flavouring it with salt, pepper, after your preferences. When they are ready, put them on a plate (the vegetables and the fish), add a slice of lemon for a nice look and taste (you can arrange the mixture so that the baby be delighted with his healthy food, for example, make the image of an animal, of a disney character, etc).
Vegetable soup with tomato juice
2 onions
1 garlic
4 carrots
500 ml chicken soup
1 small parnship
400 gr tomato juice
1 small celery (and ginger if you prefer it)
2 or 3 potatoes
3 or 4 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil
100 gr noodles
Flavours like: salt, pepper, oregano and whatever you think will delight your baby.
Peel the vegetables, wash them, and after chopping, cook them in the saucepan with the extravirgin olive oil, adding the flavours from the beginning (cooking them in the saucepan before boiling them, is the secret to keep the vegetables fresh and firm). Add the chicken soup and the tomato juice, boil the mixture for about 20-30 minutes; at the end add the noodles and some parsley or lovage for a better taste. The baby will love it!
Pea and beef in dry cooker
500 gr fresh pea
2 onions
200 ml beef tea
2 garlic cloves
2 or 3 tablespoons extravirgin oil
Flavours after preferences
Cut the beef into small pieces, boil it for about 30-40 minutes; in the meantime, wash the vegetables and peel them where necessary, place them in a dry cooker after chopping, and mix with some flavours and extravirgin olive oil. After the beef is ready, mix it with the vegetables, and fill up with 200 ml beef tea. Cook the mixture for about 20 minutes (or until the soup is boiled away). When is ready, add some parsley for a fresh taste. It looks delightful, isn't it?
Scrambled egss with rucola
3 chicken eggs

1/2 onion
100 gr rucola
2 tablespoons extravirgin oil
Flavours after preferences
Beat the eggs with a whisk until they get foamy, chop the ham, the rucola and the onion; mix them with the eggs, add flavours and some extravirgin oil (be careful when mixing the ingredients, it's very important to stir slowly and carefully, so that the omlette stays fluffy when ready). Cook it until you see it turns golden. Enjoy!